When it comes to translating the vision of the college in praxis, the college aims at imparting quality education to the students and equip them with the requisite academic and functional skills in professional and social spheres through innovative techniques and practices. We are convinced that proper education is the best resort to empower and uplift the youth for individual, social and national welfare. As such, the mission of the college may be stated as:
Government College, Solan, Himachal Pradesh is a premier institute of the state whichGovernment College, Solan, Himachal Pradesh is a premier institute of the state whichimparts quality education to the students in social sciences, basic sciences, commerce,journalism and performing arts (Music and Painting) at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. The college also offers professional courses like BBA, BCA andPGDCA to cater to the professional needs of the students. Various categories of courseslike horticulture and mushroom cultivation, etc. are a part of the regular curriculum inbiological sciences, which also serve this end. The college aspires to have atransformational impact on students through a comprehensive education as outlinedabove. The college also seeks to inculcate qualities of competence, confidence andexcellence among students through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities likeSports, Cultural activities, NCC, NSS, Rovers and Rangers. A finely tempered blendingof academic and related activities enable the college to ingrain the qualities of nationalimportance, as envisaged in the Constitution of India and the Framework for highereducation adopted by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, by orienting thestudents towards the values of secularism, national integration and social commitment.The College further strives to mould the students hailing mostly from the marginalizedand weaker sections of the society into better individuals and to guide them tocontribute constructively towards the society. The academic and other student orientedprogrammes of the college eventually aim at ensuring that the students coming out ofour campus should be enlightened individuals who are emotionally sound andpractically efficient. The faculty members are also encouraged to acquire state-of –theartinformation in their fields of study and adopt innovative methods of teaching thatwill cater to the needs of learners at various levels of study and deliver the vision of thecollege in practice.